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Even more than air, water can unite – or divide us. We are reminded of its potential for division by the word “rival,” which comes from “riverain”: the resident of a riverside. The fountain is an example of water that unites, bringing people together around its flowing streams. But bodies of water also divide country from country – and, increasingly, country from city. Because having adequate drinking water in our cities often means diverting water from the country – water that is needed for producing our food.

Water also nourishes our dreams and reflections. But is that true of factory-treated water? Perhaps we should call the latter “H2O”, as Ivan Illich has suggested, to distinguish it from the pure water flowing from springs and waterfalls – water that enchants, cleanses, and nurtures our dreams.


Water is life, by Barbara KingsolverWater is the ultimate commons. Watercourses once seemed as boundless as those pigeons that darkened the sky overhead, and the notion of protecting water was as silly as bottling it. But rules change






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Jacques Dufresne's

The editor of L'Encyclopédie de L'Agora and well known newspaper chronicler and philosopher, analyses actuality through the looking glass of Belonging.
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